DreamFlyer lived at the very edge of the High Woods. His busy garden covered one whole branch and another below. The garden was no ordinary garden. It looked more like an enchanted place someone dreamed up. One corner had a huge rainbow made up of coloured vines in neat rows.
DreamFlyer was an explorer and invited plants for a stay in his garden. These visitors came from faraway places where other Dragonfly Kin had never been.
"DreamFlyer, hello!" I called when I finally saw him. He must have been wearing his special hat because I could only see his legs and feet.
"Wait a minute," Dobro said with a grin, "this wall should go back further, all the way to the kitchen wall. It doesn't."
He started knocking on the wall with his fists.
"Listen, sounds hollow up here where the shelves are, but not below down here. I bet it's a dummy wall," he said.
"What's a dummy wall? Are you making this up?"
"No, My gramps taught me all about fake walls, and bookshelves and cupboards. How to spot them. They hide things. I bet there's something behind this wall," Dobro said.
More to come soon!